
A 50% non-refundable down payment prior to the photo session is required to lock in date and location. If travel is outside my nearby locations an additional $20 will be applied.

If you are interested in a larger photo session, events and weddings. Please let me know in your contact email.

Events start at $500 and go up. Final price will be giving after specifics are gone over with clients.

Weddings start at $1,000 and go up. Final price and contract will be giving after specifics are gone over with clients.

Any addition photos requested will be added an additional fee to this option cost before photos are released.



Option One

30 Minute to 1 hour Photo Session

10 - 15 Edited photos and travel.


Option Two

30 min to 1 hour Photo Session

20 - 30 Edited photos and travel.


Option Three

30 min to 1 hour Photo Session

30 - 40 Edited photos and travel.


Option 4

30 min to 1 hour Photo Session

40 - 50 Edited photos and travel.


Option 5

1 hour Photo Session

50 - 60 Edited photos and travel.